Blog Post

I'm launching a new portfolio!

If you're a graphic designer, I bet you struggle the most with: your portfolio. It's a big one! It's one thing to do client work for anyone else but the hardest thing to do it for yourself. Even harder, showcase the work you've done for other people.

I spent ages deciding on layout. Structure. How to showcase portfolio items and have a good system of continuing to add to them.

Then there was logos - I've always had some form of my initials in black and white, but what about color? Font? 

I really wanted a serifed font - that's always been my brand - and to "frame" it because I'm an artist as well as a designer

The result: the above! Will I get tired of it? I will because I'm a designer and we always do that and think "it's time to redesign." But right now I'm just enjoying being CONTENT. Having a brand that's about as true to me as I can get. I've always used serifed fonts, and love them; so for the logo I wanted to reflect this, my original roots in print design and love for books. The frame is a nice bounding box that speaks to the fact I'm both an artist and designer, I like to think.

The rest is up for you to explore. There's a great CMS system that tags all of my work so you can browse what you like - web design, logos (I suggest this one! I've been doing some fun branding work recently!) I am still double checking links, adding projects, writing blog posts. It's been fun! 

My first post series will be a Friday Finds. I love roundups like these but I don't currently have many from designers, so I'll be simultaneously on the lookout for that and adding my own.

If you haven't yet, add me on LinkedIn! I make posts on there about recent work, so follow along whichever way makes the most sense to you, and have a peaceful rest of your Thursday.