a b o u t.

About Paige

Hey, I'm Paige! I'm creative designer and illustrator on a mission to bring beauty and purpose to the world through impactful design.

What I Do

I'm not just a designer; I'm a storyteller who strategically weaves fine art into my work, making marketing not just functional but undeniably beautiful. From concept to creation, I specialize in crafting designs that leave a lasting impression.

My Design Journey

Throughout my design journey, I've embraced big ideas and had a commitment to leaving things better than I found them.

I'm fully immersed in the travel industry as a Senior Graphic Designer at American Cruise Lines, where I get to create travel magazines and brochures and advertising.
After hours, I turn to my freelance projects, dedicating my skills to impactful branding and print projects. For me, creating impactful design is not just about aesthetics; it's a strategic tool to fortify and position brands for good.

My resume is available here. I'd love to chat about a new project, so feel free to get in touch here!


2021 - 2024
Digital graphic designer in charge of marketing design for ed2go landing pages and email.
- Design landing pages for prospective students; wireframe and visual design, A/B test and optimization, create final HTML/CSS pages
- Build and design monthly promotional email series for continuing education software platform, ed2go
- Work with digital marketing team to wireframe and design emails and graphics for cybersecurity bootcamps launch as a new Cengage technology product
Senior Graphic Designer
Boston, MA
- Design visual ad assets and create ad copy for two online course launches and twenty-five residential graduate programs, tracked and analyzed marketing statistics - - Spearhead brand redesign efforts for 2018 BU-Wheelock merger, revamping Wordpress website and landing pages, redoing all visual assets from advertising to signage, and managing group of stakeholders and interns
- Lead designer/producer for all print projects in education school. Art directed and lead photography shoots to produce annual Graduate Viewbook, a 32-page print publication with a yearly run of 1,500
Graphic Designer
2016 - 2017
Lulu press, inc.
Morrisville, NC
- Designed, wrote, and developed 3-part welcome series that grew to a 25.3% open rate in the US, international locales grew to 33.5% open rate
- Managed weekly email blasts on Bronto platform for 4 distinct publishing brands
Prepared content, executed design, and built weekly promotional emails
- Collaborated with country managers to send 2 emails a month to 11 locales in 5 languages
Digital Designer
2014 - present
Work with clients across technology, healthcare, and education industries to elevate and improve their brand and design.
- Brand design and website design for Reform Physical Therapy in Natick, MA
- Brand and social media design for Restore: New England
Freelance Designer
2021 - 2024
2021 - 2024
Digital graphic designer in charge of marketing design for ed2go landing pages and email.
- Design landing pages for prospective students; wireframe and visual design, A/B test and optimization, create final HTML/CSS pages
- Build and design monthly promotional email series for continuing education software platform, ed2go
- Work with digital marketing team to wireframe and design emails and graphics for cybersecurity bootcamps launch as a new Cengage technology product
Senior Graphic Designer